Glossary, Pokémon Battle, ROSA, XY

Technical terms and abbreviations in alphabetical order
Action Replay. A Pokémon cheat tool. Bander Choice Bander. Pokémon using the Choice Bander item. Base Power Base power of an attack. Ex: Shadow Ball at 80 Base Power. BST Refers to a Pokémon’s total base stats. Ex: Mew at 600 BST. Bulk A Pokémon’s ability to withstand hits. CC Critical Hit. Check

A Pokémon is a check to another Pokémon if it is able to beat it 1-on-1 without switching.

Abuse of language has broadened its meaning: many consider a Check to be a Pokémon that can withstand any attack from a Pokémon without being able to KO it.

Cleric Pokémon using Aromatherapy / Heal Bell Competitive Battle “The Art of Playing Pokémon to Win” Counter / Counter A Pokémon against another Pokémon if it is able to switch to it, take a hit, then beat it 1 on 1. Core Group of Pokémon that go well together. Blanket Term designating all the types affected by the attacks of the Pokémon(s). Dancer Pokémon using Sword Dance or Dragon Dance. DD The Draco Dance attack. Residual Damage Or “Cheap damages”. Damage dealt outside of direct attacks. Dual Screens Combo of Light Wall and Protection attacks. Random Entry Refers to attacks that have an effect when an opposing Pokémon enters play. Example: Stealth Rock, Spikes. Sponge Pokémon that can withstand a large number of enemy attacks. EV Spread Literally EV distribution. How EVs are distributed among stats. FC Friend Code, or Friend Code. Flinch Status Alteration ”Frightened”. Freeze clause Special rule during battles. Only one Pokémon can be frozen per team at a time if there is a Freeze Clause. Haxx Refers to “lucky breaks” during Pokémon battles. HP Hidden Power. Hidden Power in French. LC Refers to the Little Cup Tier, a separate Tier. Only Pokémon that have never evolved are allowed. Additionally, Pokémon must be at least level 5. Lead First Pokémon sent into battle Meta / Metagame Overall, the most used strategies at the moment. Miss Literally “missed”. An attack is said to miss when it does not hit the opponent. Mixed Physical and Special at the same time. Moveset Set of 4 chosen attacks for a Pokémon. Move-pool Set of attacks a Pokémon can learn. NFE Not Fully Evolved. Pokémon that has not reached its final stage of evolution. NAKED Refers to the Never Used Tier, which are Pokémon that are practically never used by players. OHKO One Hit KO. Originally a low-precision attack set that had the effect of KOing a Pokémon in one hit. Used by some players to mean that an attack KOed a Pokémon in one hit. Oober Refers to Tier Uber or Oober, which are Pokémon deemed too powerful by players to be used in Competitive Battle. OR Refers to the Over Used Tier. This is the most used Tier by Pokémon players. PdR Rock Trap Attack. Perish trap A combination of the Requiem attack and an attack or Ability that traps opposing Pokémon to KO them. PowerSave Cheat software using cartridge save modification. PC Hidden Power Attack. RMT Abbreviation for Rate My Team. Literally, ”rate my team”. ROSA / ORAS Short for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. RU Refers to the Rarely Used Tier, which are Pokémon that are rarely used by players. SD Blade Dance Attack. Self KO clause Special rule during battles. A player automatically loses if their last Pokémon uses the attacks Destruction or Explosion. Additionally, the attacks Requiem and Prlvt Destiny fail if they are used by the last Pokémon on a team. Seed Abbreviation of Leech Seed, Vampigraine in French. Shiny Pokémon of a different color. Sleep Clause Special rule during battles. Only one Pokémon can be intentionally put to sleep by the opponent in your team at a time, and vice versa if there is a Sleep Clause (in OU). Smogon The world’s largest Pokémon forum, specializing in Pokémon strategy and metagame. Speed ​​Tie The fact that one of your Pokémon has the same speed as the one it is fighting. Spinner Pokémon using the Rapid Spin attack. Stab Bonus damage dealt when a Pokémon uses an attack of one of its types. Stall Purely ”defensive” playstyle. By extension, some people use it to designate a Pokémon that can withstand a large number of opposing attacks. Stall Breaker Pokémon intended to KO purely defensive Pokémon. Starter Sometimes used in the same sense as Lead: First Pokémon sent into battle. Staying power A Pokémon’s ability to stay in battle without being knocked out. Sub Abbreviation for Substitute, the Clonage attack in French. Can also refer to the generated clone. Suicide Lead The first Pokémon on the team that is meant to be knocked out without being recalled. Sweeper Offensive Pokémon intended to do a lot of damage using direct attacks. Switch Change active Pokémon. Tank Pokémon that can withstand a large number of enemy attacks. Trapper Pokémon with an Ability or Move that prevents the opponent from Switching. UU Refers to the Under Used Tier, which are Pokémon that are rarely used by players. Uber Refers to Tier Uber or Uber, which are Pokémon deemed too powerful by players to be used in Competitive Battle. VGC Refers to the VGC (Video Game Championship) Tier, a separate Tier. It is the official tier during competitions organized by Nintendo and on double battles in rank mode. The VGC is done in double battles, where only Mythical Pokémon are prohibited. Volt-Turn Combines the U-Turn and Thunder Switch attacks on 2 different Pokémon. Wall Pokémon that can withstand a large number of enemy attacks. Wall Breaker Pokémon intended to KO purely defensive Pokémon. XY Abbreviation for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.

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