Hogwarts Legacy Balloons: Where to Find Them All and Rewards for Popping Them

We already told you how to get all the brooms in Hogwarts Legacy. Some cost money, others you get through missions and the rest are part of the Field Guide Challenge. And what does this challenge propose? You must find groups of large balloons with yellow stars and burst them using your broom.

The question is, where is everyone to get all the rewards? Below I show you where everyone is and what the different reward levels of the challenge are.

Hogwarts Legacy Broomstick Balloons

The balloons are spread throughout the Hogwarts Legacy map in groups of 5 and usually belong to a part of the circuit that forms each of the time trials that you must complete to obtain the broom upgrades. You could say that balloons are a kind of training.

That said, where can you find them? All balloon groups are located suspended in the airso you can see them from far away. There is no mystery. The interactive map has the answer:

Hogwarts Balloons
Hogwarts Balloons

Left: northern and central areas. Right: central and southern areas.

Hogwarts Legacy: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Types, Rescue, Breeding, and More

As I told you, some brooms can only be obtained through the Field Guide challenge. You must pop certain amounts of non-stackable balloon groups* to obtain the brooms. four exclusive brooms and complete the challenge, which in turn you need for the “Collector’s Edition” trophy/achievement.

  • Reward 1, Night Dancing Broom: burst 2 groups of Balloons.
  • Reward 2, Swift Wake Broom: pop 5 groups of Balloons.
  • Reward 3, Wildfire Broom: burst 10 groups of Balloons.
  • Reward 4, Brightspark Broom: burst 15 groups of Balloons.

*What does non-stackable mean? That is, when you pop the two groups of the first reward, you will have to pop five groups (and not three) to get the next one, and so on.

Hogwarts Legacy 20230222102323
Hogwarts Legacy 20230222102323

The bad news is that you’ll be spending a lot of time going from one place to another on your broom, which I can assure you will end up being tedious. The good news is that you can complete other collectibles like Merlin’s Trials while you go from one group of balloons to another.

More Hogwarts Legacy Cheats on VidaExtra

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