PlayStation: a new exclusive would have been revealed in advance

PlayStation is definitely a very productive manufacturer, and we now learn of the creation of a new game, with an emblematic figure from the industry within the project.

The world of video games is made of departures and arrivals. It often happens to see emblematic figures form their own studios after many years on certain licenses or working for certain manufacturers. This time, this is the case with a former Call of Duty who joins a new PlayStation studio.

A new studio at PlayStation

Jason Blundell, former executive producer of Call of Duty Black Opshas taken the reins of a new studio at Sony to develop a brand new game in collaboration with Bungie. This information was revealed by sources close to the project. Indicating that this game would be an action title set in a brand new sci-fi universe.

Rumor has it that this new studio was created within Sony specifically to work on this project. Which was already in development by Bungie before Blundell’s arrival. The game, which would not be part of the universe of Destiny nor that of Marathonis described as an action adventure in a new science-fantasy universe.

Jason Blundell worked on Call of Duty Black Ops. An iconic episode of the CoD series.

A new step

Jason Blundell is a well-known figure in the video game industry. Having spent over ten years at Treyarch working on the franchise Call of Duty. After leaving Treyarch in 2020, he co-founded Deviation Games. A studio that collaborated with PlayStation Studios on another project before closing in March 2024. Due to layoffs. Blundell left Deviation in September 2022.

This project with Bungie marks a new step for Blundell. Who seems to be moving towards more innovative projects after his departure from Deviation Games. The nature of this project is still mysterious. But expectations are already high given the track record of both entities. On your side, what specifically do you expect from this project? What would you like to see?

Source : Twitter

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