It is rarely so up in the air to what extent a letter of Marvel Snap may end up turning everything we know about him upside down. If Thanos It ended up being a small anecdote in the collection and Galactus It has become essential, now it is time to see what happens with Kang.
For those of you who have 6,000 collector tokens saved up and want to start tinkering with it, here is a list of the items you need to get started. Kang’s best deck that we have seen so far. Remember that you have the comments to tell the rest of the community about your experiments with El Conquistador.
The best Kang deck for Marvel Snap
The description of Kanga 5/0 pool 5 that like the two previously mentioned big villains does not plan to get off that category in the near future, tells us that, when revealed, we will see everything our opponent has done and then the turn will restart without Kang.
Those of you who see a parallel here with Daredevil’s power are not wrong, but with the particularity that this is an ability that, when revealed, we can play with as long as we have enough energy to do so.
On that note, a couple of details about how Resetting a Turn lives up to its name. Everything from Snapping to playing cards will be reset to the way they were before the turn started, but all random results from our moves will remain the same whether we or our opponent re-rolls the same turn.
From here on it’s time to take advantage of it, and today, even though the deck is only available to a lucky few, the duo Kang and Galactus It seems essential with a deck like the one you have below.
With Electro and Wave to speed up the arrival of GalactusDevourer of Worlds on turn 5 and Kang on turn 6 to know what we are facing before Snapping or retreating is the ideal play to see if pulling is worth it. Shang-Chi to eliminate threats or is it better to bet on Knull.
The rest of the cards are meant to force the opponent to burn cards where we can then turn the situation around more easily, but if this actually ends up working out as well as it seems, the opportunities are endless.
If you plan to go for it but don’t have the rest of the high series cards, the duo of Magik and The Infinaut along with a more than likely move of Death at cost 0 it can be more than enough to amass a good handful of cubes.