They will end up hating Master Mold

If you’ve grown tired of winning with the perfect Marvel Snap deck we featured a few days ago, you might want to troll your opponents a bit with the Master Mold deck which we present to you below. Someone is going to end up pulling their hair out, and it is very likely that it will not be you.

The key to Master Mold is that, when revealed, it adds two wards to your opponent’s hand and, although giving away cards seems counterproductive, if used well we can block their draw and use that to our advantage to blow up locations on the last turn. Let’s take a look at it.

The best Master Mold deck

With this deck we have two clear objectives, the first of them is to fill the opponent’s hand so that he cannot draw the cards he needs. The second, to take advantage of the fact that his deck and hand cannot be emptied at the appropriate speed so that Darkhawk on the one hand and Ronan on the other hand they can break the scoring of the locations in the last turn.

In order to meet the first objective we have three different options. On the one hand there is Beastideal to start that trolling during the first turns when returning to Master Mold at our fingertips at a cost of one less energy point.

On the other hand there is the combo of Mystique, Wong and Absorbing Manwhich will ensure that we can leave the opponent sold before closing in the last two turns with the two main cards that we have previously discussed.

At best play Mister Negative On turn four, this task will be much easier and will help us close the game more comfortably and comfortably thanks to the energy change of the larger cards. At worst, you still have options to turn the situation around.


Jubilee to ensure that the right cards reach the table, Mystique to copy to Darkhawk either Ronan If we are missing either of the two, Crystal to ensure proper theft, MoonGirl to further explode the opponent’s chances if Mister Negative has arrived on time…

And if all else fails and we don’t know how to turn the game around, the combo of Mystique and Wong next to Gambit and Absorbing Man should help us give a final push based on the randomness of the deaths that are about to occur with the discard of cards that we have not used.

What Marvel Snap doesn't tell you and you want to know: who goes first, how ties are broken, getting old cards, and more

As I said at the beginning, it’s a deck more designed to relax and have a good time than to ensure victories because there is too much randomness in everything you need to get the most out of it, but if you’re going to play a game with a friend or you’re looking for a deck to have a few laughs with, you’re going to enjoy this one.

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