“This is a battle you can’t win.” Nebula and Galactus have completely broken Marvel Snap with the most troll deck in history

Look how much I was looking forward to the arrival of the new letters from Spider-Man and company to return to the movement decks, but I must admit that the arrival of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 It’s giving me some of the most fun games ever. Marvel Snap of the last few weeks.

Nebula It has turned out to be a shock that has made us all look for alternatives to be able to play it on turn 1, even taking out Sunspotand after quite a few decks tested trying to squeeze the most out of it, I think I’ve finally found the most annoying one of all. This is the most troll deck of Marvel Snap that you can try right now.

The most troll deck in Guardians of the Galaxy

In reality, Nebula is the least of it here and it is easy to find a viable alternative if you don’t want to enter the battle pass and wait for it to enter the free card catalog, but it comes in handy for creating baits and boosting locations before Galactus sweep everything away.

As you know, its power forces the opponent to put cards in the same location so that it doesn’t go around blowing three at a time each turn, which makes it easier for us to have the space in which we are going to throw next turn. Galactus is empty of rival cards and, by the way, that Death and Knull can arrive well cycled to the last shift.

At best, turn by turn things would go like this. Nebula on the first turn (I usually choose the right slot in case there is any impediment to playing cards there later) and do the same with Sunspot in the second and Wave in the third.

After that Galactus to any of the two free slots we have, preferably the one where our opponent has placed his least powerful cards, first because of the need to cycle to Knulland secondly because of the need to fight for that location with the least pressure possible.


Spider-Man On turn five blocking any option for the opponent on turn six should be enough to make them back off and take all the cubes possible. Snap the sooner you see the first hand very clearly, because you will almost always win by default.

And if the hand doesn’t come face to face, then don’t worry because they are there. Electro to support you in launching Galactus on shift five and Knull and Death in the six, or to play with how useful it becomes Daredevil in order to close gaps with Professor X and Spider-Manor to ruin his strategy with Doctor Octopus in a location you’ve already given up on.

What Marvel Snap doesn't tell you and you want to know: who goes first, how ties are broken, getting old cards, and more

The really important thing about this deck is that its versatility when it comes to trolling is priceless. I’m coming from stopping a Galactus with Professor X and Nebula in a game in which I would have loved to see my opponent’s face through a little hole.

Otherwise, I’ll really enjoy the deck. Be careful with Cosmoswith Super Skrull and be careful how your opponent can mess things up for you Polaris either Aero (hence the reason for leaving two free spaces before throwing Galactus), but you’ll see that, in any case, it’s a deck that you’re going to enjoy a lot.

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