Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: How many shrines, korogu, dungeons… Complete checklist of 100%

Zelda Totk Walkthrough: Shrines, Outfits, Quests… 100% Guide

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: How many shrines, korogu, dungeons… Complete checklist of 100%

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You may remember, during the communication around Zelda TotK Nintendo declared that when players would see the content of their Nintendo Switch exclusive, they would understand the price of €70. Here we do the math, with the number of shrines, dungeons, outfits etc.

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is a monster of content, that’s for sure. Its world, which could be considered “a little empty” in Zelda Breath of the Wild is now well filled and the developers have even added two new complete maps. To get 100%, it’s still hard to determine the lifespan of Nintendo’s title, but it exceeds 300 hours. Note that it is possible to see your progress rate, as well as several lists of content once the scenario is completed.

  • Noticed : Spoiler alert, we’re going to cover absolutely everything in the game, including the number of dungeons and main quests.

How many shrines, dungeons, roots

  • 152 shrines in total. This includes 120 Classic Shrines to be found in the world, but also 32 sanctuaries that you can complete in the heavens.
  • 5 main dungeons. That’s not a lot, especially since they can all be completed in less than an hour, with the possible exception of the fire temple.
  • 120 roots from the depths. There is a great way to find out where the roots are located, we hope you found it, if not follow this foolproof tip to speed up exploration.

How many main, side and geoglyph quests

  • 23 main quests to complete the storyline of this episode. You’ll have more than 40 hours to complete, even if you want to do it in a straight line.
  • 60 side quests not to be confused with missions. These are more elaborate threads and better integrated into the main quest of the game. Some sequels have more than ten quests at once, such as the great fairies, or In Search of Truth in the relays.
  • 139 missionsthat’s the best part… these “little quests” are sometimes hidden and they are not necessarily indicated by a red exclamation point. You will have to explore absolutely everywhere and talk to everyone if you intend to find them all, good luck.
  • 11 geoglyphs to discover to complete the quest of memories with Impa of this episode. They are quite simple to find

How many korogu, towers and caves

  • 1000 korogu nuts to collect. Knowing that some events like finding friends give two at once, this gives a more balanced distribution on the map. The number remains huge and we hope that the reward is not a golden poop this time.
  • 15 reconnaissance towers to activate in order to display the entire surface and sky map.
  • 141 caves to empty their Elusis Crystals for Koltin’s shop, much less if you simply want to obtain the spirit set.
  • 58 wells to be found all over the surface map. By going to see the well at the watch fort, you can make some rubies by announcing your discoveries to the character there
  • 20 wishes of the wise to be found in the sky islands and allow Link to improve the skills of the sages who accompany him. This is the best hidden collectible in the entire game.

How many outfits, recipes, monsters

  • 133 pieces of equipmentincluding complete outfits, masks, accessories and retro sets.
  • 228 cooking recipes different to enter in your cards. Simply grilled foods count as recipes in their own right.
  • 110 monsters to be kicked out of the lands of Hyrule
  • 92 animals in nature: from deer to bear, including duck.
  • 126 crafting materialsincluding ingredients, gemstones and any amalgam components extracted from monsters. It seems that a material is still unobtainable.and it is not possible to buy it from Faras
  • 175 weapons to be multiplied thanks to the benefits of the amalgam power. Virtually, there are thousands of weapons in Zelda TotK.
  • 6 types of treasures including chests and gemstone deposits.

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