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HomeGuidesHow to Write a Letter? | 2024 Guidelines

How to Write a Letter? | 2024 Guidelines

In today’s digital age of fleeting texts and emojis, the art of writing a heartfelt letter feels almost like a forgotten relic. But in nepali, the tradition of penning beautiful, impactful letters endures. Whether you’re yearning to connect with loved ones across the country, express your thoughts to someone special, or simply revive a cherished cultural practice, this guide will equip you with the tools and techniques to write a Nepali letter that truly resonates.

This guide is dedicated to reviving the lost art of letter writing in Nepal. Whether you’re writing to a loved one across the country, a dear friend abroad, or even expressing your thoughts to someone special right here in Nepal, this guide will equip you with the tools to write a letter that resonates.

1. Finding Your Inspiration:

Before the pen hits the paper, take a moment to gather your thoughts. What is the purpose of your letter? Do you want to express your love and appreciation? Share exciting news? Offer words of encouragement? Having a clear purpose will guide the tone and content of your letter.

2. The Anatomy of a Letter:

Nepali letters traditionally follow a specific structure:

  • Shree Ganesh (श्री गणेश): Begin with an invocation to Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, seeking his blessings for a smooth writing process.
  • Date and Address: Clearly state the date and the recipient’s address (preferably in both Nepali and English).
  • Salutation: Use a respectful greeting, such as “Namaste” or “Dear [Recipient’s Name]”. Formal letters might use “Shreemaan/Shreemati [Recipient’s Name]”.
  • Body of the Letter: This is where your message unfolds. Share your news, express your emotions, and personalize the letter with anecdotes and memories. Maintain a natural flow and avoid overly formal language.
  • Closing: Conclude with a warm expression like “Dhanyabad” (Thank you), “Shaswat Sukhi Bhawanu” (Wishing you happiness), or “Pheri Patra Lekhun” (Will write again soon).
  • Signature: Sign your name and, if needed, your designation.

3. Tips for Crafting a Compelling Letter:

  • Be yourself: Let your personality shine through in your writing.
  • Use vivid language: Descriptive words and sensory details paint a picture for the reader.
  • Show, don’t tell: Instead of simply stating your emotions, express them through anecdotes and stories.
  • Proofread carefully: Ensure your letter is free of typos and grammatical errors.

4. Tools of the Trade:

While digital tools have their place, a handwritten letter has an undeniable charm. Consider using:

  • Nepali handmade paper (Lokta paper): Add a touch of tradition and support local artisans.
  • Fountain pen: Experience the smooth flow of ink and create beautiful handwriting.
  • Decorative stamps: Choose stamps that reflect your personality or the theme of your letter.

5. Beyond the Envelope:

The beauty of letter writing lies in its potential to transcend borders and time. You can:

  • Write to pen pals in Nepal or abroad: Make new connections and exchange cultural experiences.
  • Start a family letter chain: Pass down stories and memories for future generations.
  • Write to your future self: Reflect on your present aspirations and dreams.

Remember, a well-written letter is a gift that keeps on giving. It’s a tangible expression of your thoughts and feelings, a treasure to be cherished for years to come.

So, pick up your pen, embrace the art of letter writing, and let your words take flight!

Bonus Tip:

For inspiration, explore the rich tradition of Nepali literature, where renowned poets and writers like Bhanubhakta Acharya and Laxmi Prasad Devkota have penned countless heartfelt letters.


Letter Writing ElementsDescription
Shree GaneshInvocation to Lord Ganesha
Date and AddressDate and recipient’s address in Nepali and English
SalutationGreeting like “Namaste” or “Dear [Recipient’s Name]”
Body of the LetterMain message, anecdotes, and personalized content
ClosingWarm expression like “Dhanyabad” or “Pheri Patra Lekhun”
SignatureYour name and designation (if needed)

FAQs on How to Write a Letter in Nepal?

1. What language should I use to write a letter in Nepal?

Nepali is the preferred language for handwritten letters within Nepal. However, for formal letters or recipients abroad, using English alongside Nepali is common.

2. What format should I follow for a Nepali letter?

Nepali letters follow a traditional structure:

  • Shree Ganesh: Begin with an invocation to Lord Ganesha.
  • Date and Address: Clearly state the date and recipient’s address in both Nepali and English (formal situations).
  • Salutation: Use respectful greetings like “Namaste” or “Dear [Recipient’s Name]”.
  • Body: Share your message and personalize it.
  • Closing: Conclude with “Dhanyabad” (Thank you), “Shaswat Sukhi Bhawanu” (Wishing you happiness), etc.
  • Signature: Sign your name and designation (if needed).

3. Is there a proper way to address someone in a Nepali letter?

Formal letters use titles like “Shreemaan/Shreemati [Recipient’s Name]” for Mr./Ms., “Shri [Full Name]” for respected individuals, and “Shree Gurujyu” for teachers. Informal letters allow more flexibility with “Namaste [Name]” or simply “Dear [Name]”.

4. What are some tips for writing a compelling letter?

  • Be yourself: Let your personality shine through.
  • Show, don’t tell: Use anecdotes and examples to express emotions.
  • Use vivid language: Descriptive words paint a picture for the reader.
  • Proofread carefully: Ensure your letter is free of errors.

5. What tools can I use to write a Nepali letter?

  • Lokta paper: Handmade Nepali paper adds a touch of tradition.
  • Fountain pen: Enhances the writing experience and creates beautiful handwriting.
  • Decorative stamps: Choose stamps that reflect your personality or letter theme.

6. Where can I find inspiration for writing letters in Nepal?

  • Explore Nepali literature: Poets like Bhanubhakta Acharya and Laxmi Prasad Devkota wrote heartfelt letters.
  • Read classic Nepali letters online or in archives.
  • Look for pen pal projects or writing communities within Nepal.

7. Can I write letters digitally?

While handwritten letters hold sentimental value, email or online platforms are acceptable alternatives, especially for long distances or frequent communication.

8. What are some benefits of writing letters in Nepal?

  • Strengthens relationships and connections.
  • Preserves memories and family history.
  • Expresses emotions and thoughts more effectively than digital communication.
  • Promotes Nepali language and cultural traditions.


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