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Saturday, May 18, 2024
HomePC SoftwareEmojis and QRs arrive in Windows screenshots, so you can use them

Emojis and QRs arrive in Windows screenshots, so you can use them

To begin with, Microsoft offers a good number of functions and tools integrated into its Windows operating system to improve the user experience. With updates, it adds new ones or improves existing ones, as is now the case with the Snipping Tool to take screenshots.

Surely many of you already know in advance that this is a functionality integrated into the system that allows us to carry out multiple tasks with the screen. This way we can cut out and capture certain parts using the available shapes to store or share later. This is an extremely useful functionality that many use daily for various reasons.

We only have to type the term Clippings in the search bar to be able to directly access this tool that we are talking about. Well, now Microsoft is testing among its Windows Insider users, a feature that will make many happy. Specifically, we are referring to the official integration of emojis into the aforementioned tool to take a screenshot on windows.

From this moment on, the Windows Insiders You can now try an updated crop and capture tool. This allows us to add emojis to the images we capture to give them a touch of originality. But that is not the only novelty that we are going to find, also from now on we will have the possibility of scan QR codes directly from this tool.

In parallel, we will also tell you that this update also improves the shape function, which allows us to change their opacity when capturing.

How to use these features when capturing in Windows

One of the software giant’s main objectives with these changes is for us to use the technology much more. crop and capture tool of Windows. Once we have the tool in question open and running, we find a new button to add emojis anywhere in the capture we are working with.

We will have the possibility of inserting these multimedia elements anywhere in the document and even resizing them with the mouse pointer. In this way we will achieve much more original captures if we want to share them with others. From Microsoft’s point of view, these emojis are a fun new way to personalize your screenshots. When we open the application toolbar, we locate the new Emoji option, we select the one that interests us and it is automatically placed in the center of the work canvas. As we told you, we can move it or change its size before finalizing the changes.

The second big novelty now integrated into this Windows capture tool is that it can now detect and scan QR codes. In this way we will be able to do without external devices for these scanning tasks, as to date. Having the functionality integrated into this Windows feature will be extremely useful to us.

qr capture windows

Regarding the shapes function of the capture tool, it is worth knowing that now we can change the opacity of the selected one. This will be very useful when capturing certain content such as transparent web pagesyes.

Mark Tyson
Mark Tyson
Freelance News Writer. Always interested in the way in which technology can change people's lives, and that is why I also advise individuals and companies when it comes to adopting all the advances in Apple devices and services.


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